Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 89: The Last Jedi

Nick Hemsing
January 1, 2018

Brock gets sick for a month and a new Star Wars film releases in theatres. Just like every other person on the planet – for good or bad – Nick and Brock have been gripped by The Last Jedi and discuss their thoughts on the film at length… at great length. This is likely the longest podcast the two have recorded in their 4+ years of podcasting the CCCP. Many derailments, tangents, and completely off-topic conversations about Peter Cushing ensue.

Episode 88 : Battle Angel Alita

Nick Hemsing
October 2, 2017

Every so often, Brock and Nick indulge in a little nostalgia. Brock swears he was reading Battle Angel Alita in 1992 but Wikipedia says the manga was released in the US in 1995. Nick didn’t read the comic then, but watched the anime in 1999 (one of his first Amazon purchases). So, this week’s comic book podcast is a trip to see if nostalgia hides any flaws. Edit: Sorry for the inconvenience but the incorrect podcast was uploaded to this post. It has been corrected and should now feature the Battle Angel Alita conversation.

MCBA Fall ComiCon – October 7 – St Paul, MN

Brock Beauchamp
September 27, 2017

It’s time for another MCBA convention! The leaves will be turning soon so that means it’s their one day wonder, Fall ComiCon. I’ll have a bunch of new stuff including several new original art pieces and a slew of new prints (probably one or two more to be finished in the next week, stay tuned). And, as always, I accept commissions at the convention but get there early because I often book up for the day in the first couple of hours. Tickets are only $9 so there’s no reason not to visit! MCBA Fall ComiCon Minnesota State Fairgrounds St... View Article