Brock Beauchamp

Black Widow Avengers Watercolor

Brock Beauchamp
November 15, 2013

The art just keeps rolling. Now that I have the Yiynova, I’m chomping at the bit to try new techniques and so far, the results have been pleasing. This piece is based on some movie promotional material for Joss Whedon’s Marvel’s The Avengers. I’ve been wanting to work with Corel Painter’s watercolor features for some time now and this display has been the perfect opportunity to do just that. I’m considering this style of painting for my next comic and need to get some practice under my belt to see how long it takes to complete a typical piece, how... View Article

X-Men vs Sentinel Colored

Brock Beauchamp
November 14, 2013

After receiving my Yiynova MVP22U a few days ago, I finally had the device I wanted to test a few coloring tricks and methods. This classic X-Men piece seemed like the perfect place to start. As with my comic Aurorae, this is an experiment in color using the program Corel Painter. Like the comic, I’m using oil paints to achieve this effect, along with touch-up work in Photoshop. I feel as if I may have lost control of the background a bit and despite about an hour of trying different effects, it’s not quite where I want it to be... View Article

Display Review: Yiynova MVP22U v2

Brock Beauchamp
November 12, 2013

I’ve been looking to upgrade my Intuos 4 to a drawing screen/tablet for quite some time but I haven’t been able to get over the hurdle of Wacom’s (insane) pricing schema to take the plunge into the world of drawing on-screen. After months of near-purchases and vacillating over the decision, I finally jumped into the modern world with Yiynova’s latest flagship model, the MVP22U+IPS (or the MVP22U v2, as it’s referred to on Yiynova has slowly been gaining traction in the art community, as many artists are in a similar situation to me, where they cannot or will not... View Article

X-Men vs. Sentinel Inked

Brock Beauchamp
November 6, 2013

In preparation to get back into the flow of drawing and test out a few new supplies (I’ll probably write about my favorite new pen, a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen – it’s amazing), I’ve been drawing random things in different styles. Some of it has been art for other creators’ webcomics, some of it sketching for the new project, and some of it is art that I hope to turn into a print at some point down the road. This piece is one that I hope to turn into a print at some point. Bryan Singer’s new X-Men movie based... View Article

Choosing the right comic format, Pt 1

Brock Beauchamp
October 17, 2013

One of the hardest things as a web designer and developer is explaining to clients “it might look great on your screen but it’s going to look like rubbish to 20% of your users, illegible for another 15%, decent for 40%, and fantastic for 25%”. As modern web designers, we’re inundated with more technologies and methods of viewing our work than at any time before and the number of devices, screen sizes, resolutions, and screen orientations only seem to be expanding exponentially. If we travel in the way back machine all the way to 2006, designers only had to worry... View Article

FallCon 2013

Brock Beauchamp
October 10, 2013

I wanted to thank everyone who came by my booth for the one-day event that is FallCon 2013. Hosted on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds every October, FallCon is the little brother of the two-day SpringCon event hosted every May by the Midwest Comic Book Association. As usual, the MCBA delivered the goods, offering creators free space to host a table, free food, and the best collection of volunteers on the planet. Really, I can’t rave about this con enough. Every event is a delight to attend and the MCBA takes care of its creators like no other convention I’ve seen.... View Article