Brock Beauchamp

Volume 1: Pages 19 & 20

Brock Beauchamp
April 30, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. The baker has taken Arnaud’s command to die quite literally and begins to smash himself in the face with the cricket paddle. Meanwhile, the flashback continues as Manon sees a strange man fighting a dragon in hand-to-hand combat. Both of the kids are confused at the baker’s self-inflicted beating, as he seems quite prepared to beat himself to death.

SpringCon 2013 – Come Visit!

Brock Beauchamp
April 25, 2013

It’s that time of year again… Convention season! While Aurorae and the Counter-Culture Comic Podcast are still in their relative infancies, I’m reeling back the amount of conventions I will table in the near future until I’ve established enough content to begin printing books. With that said, I’ll be tabling at the MCBA SpringCon event on May 18-19 in St. Paul, MN on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds property. I’ve attended both of the MCBA events in the past (SpringCon, FallCon) and they’re a blast, attracting some of the best artists in the Midwest and beyond. You can find a list... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 17 & 18

Brock Beauchamp
April 23, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud is pursued out of the bakery by the angry shop owner and the baker is bearing down on him with a cricket paddle. Left no other choice, Manon, still in the midst of a flashback to an unknown time, leaps on the baker’s back in an attempt to save Arnaud. The baker throws her off his back, which angers Arnaud, who asserts himself and uses a power unknown to him before now…

Volume 1: Pages 15 & 16

Brock Beauchamp
April 16, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud refuses to listen to Manon and walks into the bakery, intent on lifting some food to eat. Manon, frustrated by his stubbornness, drops into another flashback, this time of a strange man in Native American garb grappling with another. A dragon flies above them, intent on starting trouble. Arnaud emerges from the bakery with the owner right behind him, intent on dealing damage with a cricket paddle.

Web Design & Online Comics Pt. 2

Brock Beauchamp
April 9, 2013

I originally planned for part two of this series to be about CSS and HTML, but after reading through some comments and questions on various forums around the Interwebs, I realized that advertising might be the most under-utilized aspect of webcomic sites. As I scour through various sites, I notice an overwhelming number of people rely on some of the worst-paying ad networks and ad sizes available to a site owner. First the basics. Do you want to run ads and find a way to monetize your webcomic? Great! There are dozens (if not hundreds) of good options available to... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 13 & 14

Brock Beauchamp
April 8, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud, tired and hungry after walking through the night, decides to steal from a local bakery. Manon, still struggling with visions, asks him to stay but he does not listen. Bad omens are in the air as Manon struggles to figure out what her losing time means and how to interpret her dreams.