A little later than I would have liked but the third page is posted and that means I’m getting close to wrapping up the first Variables short story. I’m getting more comfortable with the Prismacolor markers and the sepia effect on the final panel turned out far better than I expected, much to my relief. That panel worried me from the onset and it turned out to be the strongest panel on the page, though having to cut out some of the Eiffel Tower with text ruins the “Hey everybody, this is PARIS! SEE?!?! There’s the Eiffel Tower, dummy!” effect I was going for with the panel. It’s been several years since I consistently worked on sequential panels and I think my layouts and artwork are improving with each additional page. I’m excited to finish revisions on the first script and start work on page one of Variables, that’s for sure.

Click here for Arnaud's short story

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