After what seems like an eternity, I finally have line art ready to post. This is the cover for the first issue, which *should* be colored, lettered, and posted on February 7th. It was a breath of fresh air to sit down on a full size comic board and use my ol’ Hunt #102 quill on a piece instead of the all-Prismacolor setup I use for the short stories. As you can see, the art is considerably cleaner than my previous work. I briefly considered sticking with the Prismacolor brush pen to do even the main book after seeing how quickly I could work with it on the short story pages but once I laid down a few lines on this piece with a quill, that idea was nixed for obvious reasons.

The main comic will be colored using Photoshop instead of the marker-based coloring you see for the short story. It takes a little longer but it looks so much nicer that I don’t see any reason not to do it, especially since I’ll be using a pretty standard cell-shading technique to speed up the process. I usually color in a gradient style when I’m working on the computer but frankly, there just isn’t enough time to do it that way when I have one full size comic page, entirely done by one person, due every week. By this time next week, I should be posting line art for the first page or a color preview of the cover… time and motivation will tell.

In any case, if you don’t RSS the site, be sure to like SelfCentEnt on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. You can catch the links below. Cheers!

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