It seemed that just a few pages ago, we were looking at someone’s bathroom. After a brief interlude with Blake and his father, I couldn’t resist so we’re back at a NEW bathroom scene! At great as that sounds, it only lasts one page so don’t get too excited.
This is the first page I’ve done from start to finish since I took the small hiatus and that break seems to have helped. The pencils are better, the backgrounds are better, and the characters are MUCH better. I’m pretty happy with it and I’m excited to see it colored and finished. As you can see, we’re back to Isabel and Candice in Atlanta. They’re pursuing what appears to be the same criminal at a crime scene not unlike the last we saw just a few pages ago. I’m trying to lay the groundwork that this “burglar” (for lack of a better word) has been at it for awhile and only now are the detectives starting to pick up his trail.
Well, that’s all I want to give away today. I just received my shipment of anti-smoking pills so I’m going to have a spend a few minutes staring these down in anticipation of hell week, which starts seven or eight days from now. Cheers!
- Previous: New computer stuff
- Next: Investigatin’