This might be my favorite page of Variables so far. It’s a good feeling when you feel you’re still improving on a page-by-page basis and the overall atmosphere of this scene really works for me.

In nine days, I will be attending my first convention as an exhibitor in St. Paul. It’s a little bit terrifying and I’ve been working furiously on the comic for the past couple of weeks to get ahead. Next week, I will work entirely on convention-related things and hopefully, will crank out a few drawings good enough to sell to attendees. I’d like to get at least five or six new pieces done and I figure an entire week should be enough time to finish a decent-sized pile of sketches.

As for Variables, what you’re looking at here is a four page Blake scene, the last time we’ll see Blake until the third and final issue of the series. The mysterious people are setting him up for testing… but for what? You’ll have to check back to find that out. After that, for the first time in nearly a year, I’ll return to the Isabel and Candice storyline. It’s a shame that it’s been so long since I wrote or drew them. Out of the Variables characters I’ve introduced so far, they’re probably my favorites. They’ll close out the issue with six pages and it all wraps up with a proper comic book cliffhanger scene.

As I said earlier, Variables will update weekly until I’m clear of the upcoming con and then it will return to either a twice-weekly or three-every-two-weeks pace until the end of the issue. My initial plan is to have this issue finished and posted by the end of June at the very latest. Variables is nearly its 18 month anniversary and my goal is to be close to releasing one page a week for those 18 months (or 78 pages). I’m a bit behind and want to get back to where the comic should be after that amount of time.

To check out the issue-in-progress of Variables 1992 #2, click here.


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