Initially, this page was going to be four panels and should have taken just a day or two to finish. Instead, I ended up redrafting the the layout about ten times and the page ended up getting completely out of hand. The end product is okay once I was able to add greyscale to separate the portions of the page I wanted to highlight/recede but overall, it’s still just too much crap fighting for space. I wanted the page to (silently) convey panic and in some ways it succeeded while sacrificing readability. I definitely learned a lot from this page, that’s for sure.

Another thing to note is that I originally planned for this page to be sepia toned (like the page before it) but once it was finished, the sepia looked like crap so I reverted to black and white (and retconned the previous page as well). While slightly simpler, I think the grey does just fine in place of sepia. As always, click through the image below to jump to the first issue of Variables 2002.

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