Because I’m on a roll. Here is page two of Variables. Expect to see page three’s preview early next week, maybe even on Monday. I’m pretty happy with this page, though I got a little “halo happy” with a lot of the objects and next time I draw a cityscape like this, I need to use a ruler (or maybe at least get a more reliable set of Rapidograph pens that will actually draw a consistent line on paper (grrrr). Using a quill is great for humans and close objects, since a lot of line variation is wanted for organic objects and a quill will do it in one or two strokes. But for inorganic objects, pens are much easier to control for straight lines.
The bottom of this page turns all flashback, which will continue through the next 1 1/2 pages, which means that I get to color in black and white for awhile. After the first two pages of Variables 2002, I’m looking forward to taking things a little bit easier for awhile. Click through the image below to jump to the second issue of Variables!
- Previous: Perspective from hell
- Next: #OccupyVariables