Well, it’s time to wrap up the second Variables short story in preparation for the upcoming main book, which should release next week. I’ve been dealing with the fallout from a house fire that consumed most of my father’s possessions in the past week and that will probably continue several weeks into the future. As a result, my update schedule may vary slightly as I fall behind due to other personal obligations.

Other than that mess, it’s great to see the second short story come together. It’s a non-stop learning process, as I see mistakes pop up on every page. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the results but there are definite lessons I’ve learned that will not be repeated in later pages… namely the overwhelming amount of text I expected to fit on one half-page of comic. It’s unwieldy to view and read but unless I changed it right from the get-go, there wasn’t much that could be done once drawing began and pages were colored.

So, expect to see another art preview later in the week and the Variables comic to begin in earnest next week!

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