I wanted to thank everyone who came by my booth for the one-day event that is FallCon 2013. Hosted on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds every October, FallCon is the little brother of the two-day SpringCon event hosted every May by the Midwest Comic Book Association. As usual, the MCBA delivered the goods, offering creators free space to host a table, free food, and the best collection of volunteers on the planet. Really, I can’t rave about this con enough. Every event is a delight to attend and the MCBA takes care of its creators like no other convention I’ve seen.
Last FallCon, I had… let’s just call it a “lackluster” day. I was a victim of bad booth placement (definitely not MCBA’s fault), as there was a really popular He-Man artist sitting next to me that basically drew all attention away from my table. Sales and traffic by my table were slow and generally, it was a frustrating seven hours. Thankfully, this year was the polar opposite. Thanks to some great fans willing to shell out a few bucks for commissions, I was head-down for six and a half hours, working on a myriad of commissions and every customer walked away a happy one. The only downside of spending so much time on commissions is that I wasn’t able to interact with a significant portion of fans who strolled by my table during the event.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of several of the commissions. Whoops. In particular, there was a Samus Aran/Deadpool commission that I would love to have a photo of but I was in such a rush that I forgot to snap a photo of it. C’est la vie.
Thanks to everyone who swung by and had a chat; it only made me more eager for SpringCon next May, where I plan to focus on having several new prints and products available for fans to look at and/or buy. Thanks again, everybody!