Here’s the last page of the Blake story until next issue! As you can see, things have gone wrong for the boy.

Honestly, I always wanted to draw a scene where someone gets hit with a shovel. It’s such a cliche but it’s great. In fiction, there is always a shovel lying around somewhere nearby, just waiting for someone to pick it up and turn it into a makeshift weapon, usually a “make this character unconscious” device. And there you go. Mission accomplished.

Hey, it’s a comic book. I’m allowed to have a little fun here.

Overall, the page is a bit rushed but even after I powered through it in an attempt to get ahead before the calamity of July starts (two four day conventions, one music festival) and it turned out better than some of the early pages I struggled with and spent far more time drawing. My backgrounds are definitely improving and that is making the entire panel look so much better than a few of my earlier attempts without backgrounds.

That’s about it. Next week, we jump to a new character and close out the first issue… I can’t wait to be done. It will be the first entire issue of a comic book that I have actually completed since I was 14 years old…

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