Well, mostly. After a few revisions, it’s nearly finalized. Enough so I can start drawing, at least. It’s been a long four months but I’m really happy with the script (thanks to Rachel and her edits) and feel confident moving forward with the main book. This weekend I’m going to start work on the cover, having already laid down roughs for the first page several weeks back. With the site up and running in close to its final iteration before the book goes live, things are looking good for getting this book up and running by February 1st.

There may not be much in the way of updates on the sites over the next few weeks. I’m going to wrap up the Arnaud short story while I’m finishing up the cover and first page, which will be posted simultaneously (I hate the idea of just having a cover with no content sitting there on the site). There are several short stories in various states of outlining and writing but it’s unclear which will follow the Arnaud story once it’s complete. I expect to make a decision about that… well, when I get around to it. As usual, there’s just too much other stuff to think about right now.

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