I’m. Down. To. Just. Two. More. Pages.
And then I’m done with the first issue of 2002! Production has been ramped up lately and given my newfound proclivity for waking up and starting work before 7am, I may be able to keep it up for awhile… which means that for the time being, Variables will be switching to a three every two schedule. The comic will update every Tuesday (as usual) and every other Thursday. I’ve been churning out more than two pages every week for the past three weeks so for starters, I think that schedule is something I can pretty easily maintain through at least the summer.
This is the start of the fight scene. As you can see, Karter is shooting. A lot. How does it end? Well, you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to see that.
In my never-ending quest to improve artistically, I’m trying out a new coloring style this page. Since this was the beginning of a fight scene, this messier style seemed like a natural fit. I’m not sure I’m really sold on it for long-term usage in Variables but I’m intrigued with the idea of using rougher, scattered brushes to do all my coloring. I’m definitely going to begin exploring various brushes and settings in Photoshop in hopes that I’ll find something I really like and want to use permanently. One upside of the looser coloring style I’ve been using over the past 6-8 pages is that I can churn out pages about an hour faster than my old, more detailed color style. It also gives my inks a bit more life so I think I’m on the right track here, I just need to hone the look a bit and I’ll be satisfied with it… Yeah, right. After a few months, I’m always looking for the next great thing to vault my art to the next plane. I’m really not one for sitting still.
So, check back tomorrow to see the full page in all its glory! And be sure to click here to see the full issue of Variables!
- Previous: Somebody’s gonna get shot
- Next: Chaaaarrrgggee!