I’m not sure how well this page works but I gave it a shot. It’s a magazine article (written by Hank Foster, of course) that talks about another story I just wouldn’t have time to deal with properly in the Variables universe. It’s about two Sui Generis teenagers who decide to fight crime and help people in South Korea. They pose, they have their pictures taken, they chat on the internet, but little crime is actually fought and even fewer people are actually saved. Then their big opportunity arrives (you can read the entire article here).
I wanted to write the entire article and then post it on the site but I wanted enough of that article to be shown in the actual comic that the reader would understand more about some of the world events happening around the Variables universe. I think the page does a so-so job of that and I’m going to give it a week or two before I decide whether to truncate the comic article a bit so more of it is visible on the comic page itself.
Anyway, that’s all for this morning. Click through the page below to jump to the first issue of Variables 2002.
- Previous: Drawing superheroes
- Next: Notes on inking