I’m really happy with this page and think it’s probably the best page I’ve done so far in the issue. As I’m hitting the home stretch of the first issue, I’m starting to lock down the stylistic differences I will introduce in the second issue. One of them is more advanced lettering styles that I’m starting to dabble with on this page. Up to this point, I’ve barely been cracking the surface of Illustrator’s power and now that I’m getting a little faster at drawing and coloring, it’s time to feed that time back into other avenues of comic creation.

SpringCon was fun. I got to see a few indie creators, bought a few books, and it whet my appetite for San Diego… which is only two months away, amazingly. The only thing I wanted to see there were more webcomic-only creators. It’s kind of odd to see so many still pursuing print media with all the cost, hassle of distribution, and 99% of the time, failure that goes along with it when the web is just sitting there, free to everyone. Oh well, some dreams die hard, I suppose. More on SpringCon in this Wednesday’s blog.

So, here’s page 13! Per the usual, click through the image to jump to the first issue of Variables 1992!

Page 13

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