Here’s the last recurring character that will be introduced in this issue, Samuel White. You’ll find out who he is and what he wants with Blake in upcoming pages. He’s a bit of an oddity and once you see the colored page, you’ll notice that there are a few intriguing details about the character that tell a bit about his past.
You can’t see it here but this page takes place during twilight hours, which changed how I penciled and inked the page. Instead of adding ink detail, I left large areas empty so I could add the detail using color. It’s something I’ll be using a lot more in the second issue but I wanted to try it out here and see how it looks on a finished page. You’ll see what I mean on Monday when the full color page goes live.
Over the next two weeks, I’m trying to finish two pages a week in preparation for San Diego Comic Con in July. Completing two pages a week is very difficult for me; each page takes around 15 hours, give or take an hour here and there. I also work a 45+ hour per week job. It’s hard to fit in one page a week and not go insane. Add in a second page and after a few weeks, I’ll be completely fried. The upside is that if I finish these pages, I won’t have to draw anything else for nearly a month. Whew.
Well, that’s it for today. There’s the preview page. Be sure to check in on Monday to see the completed page slipped into the issue.
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