It seems like it has taken forever but the second issue is in full production and here’s the cover! I originally planned to release the cover, inside cover, and first page on Monday but decided there’s no point in waiting so I’m posting the cover today and page one on Monday.
As you can see, my coloring techniques have matured quite a bit since I started the first issue. Once I was a few pages into issue one, I wanted to change to a gradient style of coloring but felt that altering the style so drastically in the middle of an issue would be a mistake so I held off until I could introduce it for the second issue. It was aggravating to continue working in a style that didn’t please me but I think it was worth my time so the issue would read more consistently from front to back.
This style takes a bit longer to complete but I’m hoping that over time, I will speed up and the difference won’t be quite as burdensome as it seems now. I don’t want to ramble for too long so here’s the cover. Jump through the image to see the introduction to the second issue of Variables 1992!
- Previous: Conclusion – Chris Volsky story
- Next: The second issue has begun!