Here is the completed page. Once it has been colored, I think it flows better with the text placed in it. I ended up re-writing this page (and the following four pages) as I’m still not entirely happy with the script for the 2002 arc. I think it continues to improve, though.
One thing I’m really happy with is my coloring. It continues to improve page-by-page and recently, I’ve started adding more highlights to objects in the background, which helps eliminate the flat feeling some of my older pages had in them. I still have a long way to go with light sources and colored lights but I think I’m on the right track.
Today’s page is one day early this week and I hope to have the next page preview posted on Wednesday. Keep an eye out for it. And click on the image below to jump to the entire issue of Variables 2002.
- Previous: More panel wonkiness
- Next: And… Action! Again!