This page has what might be my favorite panel in all of Variables. It’s a simple panel containing a close-up of a man’s face getting pinched. For some reason, it all worked out really well. The pencils were good, the inks were good, and the color finished it off. It’s always nice when something works out instead of fighting and re-doing something over and over again until I manage just get it to the point of mediocrity.

At the end of this page, you’ll notice that we delve into another flashback, this time in 1994. Karter is now wheelchair-bound and requires oxygen after any physical exertion whatsoever. It’s a pretty crappy existence and, not surprisingly, he’s quickly turning into a quite bitter fellow. This is the last flashback in this issue but there will surely be more in the second issue of the arc. I’m trying not to spend a lot of time on them (which is why they’re generally just one page) but I’d like to give a little filler on a few of the events that led Karter to where he is today. I don’t like hammering through every detail of what makes a character tick but some background information should be presented, I think.

That’s about it for this morning. Click through the image below to jump to the full issue of Variables 2002 #1.

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