Here’s the preview for page ten, which deals with more of Candice and Isabel working with the annoying woman whose house was burglarized by the mysterious intruder. Everyone is getting a little pissy on this page: the woman wants her precious stuff back, Isabel hates the case and the victims, and Candice just wants to finish it and move on to something more interesting.

Be sure to check back on Monday to see the fully colored and scripted page!

As you can see, the new website has gone live. It’s still a work-in-progress and I’m getting a lot of feedback on how to improve it from visitors and fellow comickers. Over the next few weeks, things will continue to change around as I refine the layout a bit and improve some elements that don’t work exactly how I would like them to work. One of the main things I have to contemplate is a “latest comic” page front-and-center on the main page. It’s a little tricky because of my comic viewing system and because I plan to release a second comic over the summer (bringing a total of three different comic segments to the site) so there’s a lot of thought that needs to go into how to best implement the system. Oh well, something to think about in the upcoming weeks…

So, here’s the page. Enjoy!

Page 10 Inks

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