I’m really happy with this page, particularly the upper panel. As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’ve been really focusing on making Variables backgrounds better and I think this page shows the payoff for some of that work. It’s still not perfect but it’s getting closer to where I want the book to be visually.
This page was written about 20 times, five of them completely differently. Every time I looked at it, I wanted to tear my hair out and start over (so I did). While right now I merely grumble at it, this page has the potential to be ret-conned down the road more than any other I’ve done thus far. A lot rides on how I feel about the next six pages as the issue comes to a close.
Lately, I’ve been refocusing some of my side work over to the comic strip idea I’ve had bouncing around in my head for the past year or so. I finally feel comfortable enough with Variables to start dedicating a little time here and there to getting the ball rolling on the strip. Expect to see more about it in the next week or so, knowing how I work. Once I get something in my head, I won’t let it go until I’ve reached a certain point where the development placates me for a bit. I doubt I’ll make it through the week without some new comp sketches appearing in my sketchbook.
That’s it for today, click through the image below to see the work-in-progress issue of Variables 2002 #1!
- Previous: Super lens flares
- Next: Comic strip, revised