It’s one of my favorite lines of the issue and it says a lot about the Variables universe. Why wouldn’t Karter go play football? He’d be an unmatched striker or goaltender. He’d make millions and be showered with public adoration. It’s the kind of allure that many of the Sui Generis would have to face and realistically, one that would pull in many people with extraordinary abilities. It beats fighting crime and putting yourself at risk for no pay or starting a highly illogical “life of crime” when as much (or more) money could be made by using those powers in a legal pursuit.

Anyway, this is the last page of Karter and Henri feeding the readers backstory. The next scene is more Karter, this time alone and in his apartment. This 4-5 page set explains a lot of the motivations of Karter and where he comes from but after that, it’s pretty much all action through the end of the series. As always, click on the image below to jump to the first issue of Variables 2002.

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