Page 20 Inks

I’m running a bit late with this update but given that it’s summer, I’m not terribly worried about it. The completed page should be posted Wednesday-ish.

I learned a valuable lesson while inking this page: do not attempt to ink a page when the room temperature is somewhere in the high 80s. The ink is runnier than usual, the paper sticks to your skin, the sweat from skin will smudge even dry ink, and it’s almost impossible to cleanly ink small details. Normally, a page takes me about 15 minutes to clean up after I scan and ink it; this one took me well over an hour and it’s still nowhere near the crispness level I expect from a Variables page.

Back to the page. Not a lot is happening with this page and the reader already knows what White is learning via telephone. It’s setting up the beginning of issue two where the White and Blake stories begin to merge. I’ve finished the first draft of issue two’s script and during the rest of July, I’ll be posting a short story while I begin work on issue two.

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