Here’s the first sample page of my new inking/drawing style and while I’m a fan of how these pages are turning out, I’m not a fan of the 1-2 hours of additional time it takes to ink each one of these pages. In the end I think the effect make it worth while but it’d be nice if I found ways to decrease the amount of time I spend on each page, not increase it. Well, I always knew that I could pump out 2-3 pages of Variables every week if I copped out on the art but I decided against it early in the development of the series. This is just part of that commitment to the art quality of the series, I suppose.
I have posted three times this week but don’t expect another post until Monday or Tuesday of next week. I’m heading to OmegaCon for the weekend and while I plan to spend time working on the comic (hopefully perched near a fire), I do not plan to spend time posting on the site or on the internet in general, really. By the time next week rolls around, I want to be working on page two and have the script for 2002 finalized (I skipped a step this time around and began production on the first few pages without nailing down the entire script… hopefully it won’t bite me in the ass down the road).
So, that’s it for today. See you next week!
- Previous: Variables 2002 Cover
- Next: Variables 2002, page one