In my never-ending quest to never leave anything be, I have restructured the site… again. This is the third major iteration of the site in seven months and is the sixth or seventh minor revision. This time around, my goal was to set up Variables on its own subdomain. Once I finished that, I decided that SelfCentEnt and Variables should have slightly different layouts. Then I decided they should use different colors. Etc, etc, etc…

So there you go. Now that I have Variables on its own subdomain and the blog on the main domain, I can continue to customize each of them however I like without sacrificing design ideas for the sake of the comic for the blog or vice versa. It also sets me up to begin work on a second comic under the SelfCentEnt marque, though rolling that out is months in the future (but you’ll see a concept sketch or two in the next few weeks after I wrap up the first issue of Variables).

The month of July is almost upon us and that means… San Diego Comic Con! I’m super-duper excited to check out the con in a professional capacity for the first time, though I really have little clue about what I’m actually going to do once I get there. All the creators are going to be so busy that I can’t imagine it will be easy to pull them away from (paying) customers long enough to chat them up about the book. I have a sneaking suspicion that loitering around the hotel bar may bear more fruit than blitzing the con floor for hours on end. And I’m sure there will be parties to attend, I just need to figure out where they are and when they’re being held.

One thing I’m set on is putting stuff out on the freebie table. I was originally going to have 1,000 of these bookmark/flyers printed for SDCC but according to Clint over at Zombie Ranch (check it out), that number is a waste of time because they’ll all be gone before the end of Thursday. So now I’m looking at quite a bit more expense to get 4,000 of them printed and hoping that’s enough to last through Saturday, the biggest day of the convention. That takes what was going to be a $65 experiment and turns it into a $180 advertising expense. Still, I think it might be worth the money if only to get a few more industry professionals glancing at the name Variables and recognizing it as a webcomic. The trip from obscurity is a long and expensive road…

And that’s all, folks. See you on Friday with the page 19 preview.

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