If you’ve been following the site, you probably know that I’m going to be tabling for the first time at SpringCon in St Paul this weekend. The show takes place at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds so if you’re in the area, be sure to come by and visit. For a smallish convention, it packs in loads of top-shelf artists, including Mitch Gerads of The Activity, Christopher Jones of Young Justice, Dan Jurgens (the guy who got to draw dead Superman), Paul Taylor (Wapsi Square), and many others. You can find details and the entire guest list by clicky-clickying the above link.

The show runs Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm. Admission is $10-15 (can’t seem to find that info anywhere) and tickets can be purchased at the door.

Since this is my first show, if you don’t see me at the table, just pound on it for a bit. I’m probably hiding underneath the tablecloth, waiting for all the scary strangers to disperse.

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