I had a great weekend at MCBA SpringCon and got to meet a few readers, do a few sketches and commissions, and sold a ton of prints. I’m looking forward to having actual *comics books* to sell at FallCon this October (also organized by the MCBA and hosted at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds) but for this event, my table was limited to prints and sketches. As usual, the MCBA organizers treat their creative guests like royalty, helping out in any way they can and even going so far as to feed us a free steak dinner after the convention on Saturday. Suck on that, pretty much every other con in the world. I really can’t say enough about how friendly, well organized, and just great this convention is for its guests. Truly top-notch stuff.
The downside to a weekend of convention fun? No Aurorae update this week, folks. I had it planned quite well going into the last work week… Comic page early in the week, convention prep the latter part of the week. Then the SSD in my MacBook Pro decided to commit ritual seppuku in its tiny plastic enclosure. That meant three days of restoring all of my software (I wasn’t comfortable restoring from a backup, as I couldn’t pin down the issue with 100% certainty), settings, hardware, blah blah blah.
So, no comic update. Meh. I know.
As a small token gesture, I’ll post a drawing I finished in the wee hours of Friday morning before heading off to SpringCon. It’s kind of an alternate universe Batgirl, where she gets to dress less like a teenager girl and more like a badass. Enjoy!
Also, here are a few photos I took while at the con… Pay particular attention to the Superman capes. The guy has been working on them for years, getting signatures and sketches from everyone he could find related to the Superman universe (and beyond). They’re truly amazing pieces of art and he’s so super-cool that he’s going to auction one off for charity some time in the near future.
Rad. Kudos to him.