After all these weeks, we’re finally approaching the cover scene of the first issue. Blake is back home at this point and the bad guys found out about his accident in Canada and want to take a closer look at the boy. This arc carries through until the end of the issue and you get a better idea of what parties will become involved in this situation before everything (up to this point) is explained in the second issue.

I’ve been taking longer to draw each page and while that’s preventing me from getting ANY kind of page buffer in place (I finished inking this last night), the work is steadily improving. I think the biggest leap has been in my background rendering, which has been a sore spot for me for quite some time. When I did draw a full background, the characters always seemed slightly out of place; too big or too small, too high or too low, etc. I’m getting a better feel for placing the character so they feel natural in the panel, I think.

Oh, and this page introduces Blake’s mother, Lucy. She doesn’t play a huge role in the series but, like Roger, she’ll be around here and there as Blake gets through this mess. All in all, Variables 1992 doesn’t have a ton of characters in it, but most of the characters will appear in later books as they’re written. Very few of the characters are one-and-done people who will never re-appear in anything else.

Well, that’s about it for today. Tomorrow, I’m looking forward to hitting up SpringCon in St. Paul. I’m sure by next week, I’ll have plenty to say about how it went and who I was able to meet. Cheers!

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