This page makes me chuckle. We’re finally getting to the scene that inspired the cover of the book and the mysterious men are obviously trying to capture Blake, though their method of neutralization leaves something to be desired. Tasing a kid who survived two lightning strikes isn’t what I would call a strategy for success.

Now that I’ve been forcing myself to add more background detail, I’ve been a lot happier with each of the ensuing pages. I’m getting faster at drawing and that allows me more time to add detail to still finish a page by the end of the week (though I’m not getting ahead at all, which is unfortunate). I’m chomping at the bit to starting trying some of my ideas for new coloring techniques and while I can’t fully use any of them until the second issue because I hate the idea of changing styles in the middle of the book, I can start adding a few touches here and there to test them out. This page may be the first in which I use some different styles for background coloring. We’ll see. As I move further along in the book, I’m also starting to notice that my style is becoming more and more cartoon-y. Not that I have a problem with it, I’m just interested to see how some of my old influences start coming out into my art as my work begins to solidify a bit.

I’m heading off camping this weekend so this page won’t be up Monday morning, though I’m hoping to have it up sometime in the early afternoon. Other than that, enjoy Memorial Day (for you US citizens out there) and check back on Monday for the completed page.

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