Here’s the first page of the 2002 story arc. I’ve changed my inking style and coloring technique (again). I keep playing with different ideas to see what I like best. Instead of using gradients for shadows and highlights, I used gradients in the backgrounds with solid highlights and shadows. I’m not entirely sold on the style but I’ll need more practice before I figure out if I really like it or not.
Another big difference between this arc and 1992 is that this story will rely heavily on journal entries by the main characters (or, basically, a narrator) while the first arc contained no narration at all. And where Variables 1992 followed several characters, this arc will follow only one, the main character Karter.
I plan to post another page this week so check back on Thursday for the next page preview. And as always, click through the image to jump to the first issue of Variables 2002.
- Previous: Preview of Variables 2002
- Next: Perspective from hell