Brock Beauchamp

Daenerys Targaryen Watercolor

Brock Beauchamp
February 10, 2014

I haven’t had a ton of time to draw or paint lately, as I’ve been overwhelmed with website development work that has kept me away from the art table, digital or analog. I’m also working on a *very* short story concept that I hope to begin drawing in the next few weeks… I figure that even I can continue working on a project long enough to complete a meager 24 page story. While I work out the kinks on my 160+ page story, I’ll work on that to get back into a workflow and drawing sequential art, which is very... View Article

Protecting WordPress and your website

Brock Beauchamp
February 9, 2014

It has come to my attention that WordPress is currently under the largest brute force attack in its history. What is a brute force attack? Well, it’s pretty simple… It’s when a botnet is created that uses thousands of computers that repeatedly try password and username combinations to gain access to your WordPress control panel and, therefore, your entire website. Once they have access to your site, they can do pretty much anything they want with it, including the addition of malware (the most common goal) or simply breaking/deleting your site. I’ll get right down to it. Here are a... View Article

Episode 29: 100 Bullets and Gone with the Blastwave

Brock Beauchamp
January 27, 2014

Revenge Fantasies Galore and the Boredom of Soldiers Revenge stories seem to touch us all and Brian Azzarello’s 100 Bullets is one of the better revenge fantasy stories we’ve ever read. He mixes in episodic revenge fantasy with over-arching Illuminati-style subterfuge themes. We also talk a little Star Wars news, how JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan are switching up the themes of Episode Seven to bring focus back to the familiar trio of Han, Luke, and Leia. Not comic related but we’re several different shades of geek and our interests span well outside the realm of comics. Our webcomic this... View Article

Early Concept Art

Brock Beauchamp
December 9, 2013

It has been a few weeks since I last posted. I’ve been working on a new script idea, something that I could finish in a reasonable amount of time (1-2 years). A true “graphic novel”, a story with a beginning, middle, and end that can be read in a single (albeit long) sitting. Initially, I had another idea I was going to run with and even went so far as to write a 25+ page outline with 5+ pages of semi-finished script. Ultimately, the project became too unwieldy and a bit directionless and I abandoned it for the time being.... View Article

Katniss Everdeen Watercolor

Brock Beauchamp
November 20, 2013

More watercolor! Again, I’m playing with messy styles and seeing what works and what doesn’t. One of the things I like is the paint spatter effect I’ve used with varying success in the past few paintings. One thing I need to work on is color vibrancy. I have a tendency to work in too low an opacity with the paint, which means the colors de-saturate more than I’d like in the finalized piece. I’m going to continue playing around with different brushes and opacity levels to see if I can up the saturation and speed up how quickly I can... View Article

Stormtrooper Watercolor

Brock Beauchamp
November 18, 2013

More art! In place of a podcast this week, I’ll be posting several pieces of art instead. Expect to see the podcast return next Monday… This is my favorite piece in awhile… I wanted to play around with composition and different brushes in Corel Painter and a (mostly) black and white image of a Stormtrooper seemed like good subject matter. Given my *adoration* of Star Wars, it’s a bit surprising that I don’t draw more material from George Lucas’ opus. With the comic idea I’m tossing around in my head (and Google Docs) lately, I continue to consider a loose,... View Article