People probably taste horrible

Nick and Brock didn’t think of reviewing many manga when they started this comic book podcast. However, they delve into high concepts in a similar way to many western independent comics. So, that brings the discussion to Attack on Titan where humans are trying to survive big, disturbingly peaceful, naked, people-like things that do nothing but try to eat them. It’s dark and bloody, but how does it translate?

DC and Marvel definitely have different approaches to their movie properties and Brock would be remiss if he didn’t call out some BS, that Nick happens to agree with. Can DC handle packing all their heroes into Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice? Marvel seems to have a formula for doing it, but why can the fit in a Spider-Man movie and not fit in a Black Widow movie?

And, yes, they review another Image book and yes, it’s good. In Descender, from Sweet Tooth creator Jeff Lemire, we’re watching another boy with the world, or galaxy, out to get him. It’s pretty and Nick and Brock yap about it. Image is killing it in the independent comics world.

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