Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Web Design & Online Comics Pt. 2

Brock Beauchamp
April 9, 2013

I originally planned for part two of this series to be about CSS and HTML, but after reading through some comments and questions on various forums around the Interwebs, I realized that advertising might be the most under-utilized aspect of webcomic sites. As I scour through various sites, I notice an overwhelming number of people rely on some of the worst-paying ad networks and ad sizes available to a site owner. First the basics. Do you want to run ads and find a way to monetize your webcomic? Great! There are dozens (if not hundreds) of good options available to... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 13 & 14

Brock Beauchamp
April 8, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud, tired and hungry after walking through the night, decides to steal from a local bakery. Manon, still struggling with visions, asks him to stay but he does not listen. Bad omens are in the air as Manon struggles to figure out what her losing time means and how to interpret her dreams.

Volume 1: Pages 11 & 12

Brock Beauchamp
April 1, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Having travelled to inland England, the two adventurers are now hungry and looking for food. After stealing new clothing in the night, Arnaud is considering breaking into a store while Manon continues to struggle with losing time and having visions.

Volume 1: Pages 9 & 10

Brock Beauchamp
March 25, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Manon and Arnaud’s adventure into England is currently suspended as Manon slips into a strange flashback of medieval fighters warring outside of a castle in ancient times.

Volume 1: Pages 7 & 8

Brock Beauchamp
March 11, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. The characters Manon and Arnaud are on an adventure to England, when Manon begins to have strange visions of days long past. Something has been bothering her lately and continuing their expedition is the only path to clarity.

Web Design & Online Comics Pt. 1

Brock Beauchamp
March 8, 2013

Recently, I’ve been getting back into the swing of things with my new comic, which means I’ve been spending a lot of time on various Internet forums, reading up on various processes on how to better create comics, and, as always, I’ve been designing and developing websites for other people (my “real” job). In my various postings, I’ve noticed that many comickers don’t have the slightest idea how to begin designing, maintaining, or making a profit from a website. Given the fact that I’ve been a designer for almost 15 years, a web designer/developer for ten of those years, own... View Article