Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

My process (writing)

Brock Beauchamp
January 7, 2013

Creating a story is a monumental undertaking under any circumstances. Creating a story that will take thousands of hours to complete and one that will feature two dozen speaking characters is even more daunting. I’m going to spend years bringing this tale to life. If I don’t like it or if I’m unprepared for what will come down the road, the project will in all likelihood be a miserable failure. For my last project, Variables, I did a fair amount of preparation. It turned out that wasn’t enough… Not nearly enough. Couple that lack of preparation with a story that... View Article

Volume 1: Chapter 1 Cover

Brock Beauchamp
January 1, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. The cover to the first chapter of Aurorae, featuring the energetic young girl Manon. Born in Albania, she was raised as a Burrnesha after the death of her father. Several years later, after the death of her mother, she fled the Soviet Bloc nation and headed for Western Europe, intent on reaching the northern coast of France.

Anatomy of a Drawing

Brock Beauchamp
December 26, 2012

I had something really cool happen a few weeks back… Out of the blue, someone contacted me via email and let me know that some of my old art was on eBay. The auction was for several pieces that I finished right around the time I graduated high school… Stuff I (probably) turned in to an early college art class and never retrieved after the semester. I vaguely remembered a few of the pieces and was very excited to get them back and take a look at some of my early, lost work. But there was a small problem… The... View Article

Refining the style

Brock Beauchamp
December 10, 2012

I haven’t had a ton of time to work on comics lately but every other night or so, I try to spend some time working out the style I want to use for Aurorae. It’s been a challenge, as I’ve kind of stuck myself in a rut over the past few years working almost exclusively on Variables, going for a much more detailed and realistic style than what I want to do with the new project. While I don’t expect to release any pages of Aurorae for several months (I still haven’t nailed down even the outline, much less the... View Article

Aurorae concept sketches

Brock Beauchamp
November 30, 2012

I’m early in the process of this project but I’ve been neglecting my art lately and need to get back into the flow of drawing. That means concept sketches and quite a few of ’em. To start, I’m limited to characters to get a feel for who these characters are and what they look like. The setting in this book *may* be a period piece (I’m not saying when it takes place… yet) but as you can see, the period setting is relatively recent. The story is rather large, though not on the ridiculous scale of Variables. It will focus... View Article

Welcome to the new SelfCentEnt!

Brock Beauchamp
November 29, 2012

When I designed the last incarnation of SelfCentEnt, I had the best of intentions. “Ooh, look, a button here! You also need this button over HERE. And a THIRD button for those of you that missed the first two!” as I tried to please every user and find a spot for the information that might appeal specifically to them. As the site aged and more stuff was tacked onto the design, it turned into a hot mess. There was no focus on content hierarchy. There was distracting background imagery. It looked kinda cool at a glance but from a functionality... View Article