Whew. It has been a long time. My wife and I have begun the application process for the foster care system and we've spent the past few months fixing up small issues with the house, cleaning the house, tearing apart said house again, and then cleaning once again. Oh, and I've been doing a ton of conventions lately! I hope you caught me in Kansas City at Planet Comicon or Wizard World Minneapolis. This weekend, I'll be at MSP Comicon at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
Okay, on to the comic book. Unfortunately, it has fallen to the wayside in the past few weeks but I'm trying to get back on track. My goal is three pages every other week for the time being (along with resuming work on Schlock Works). I really should be a lot further along in Punch a Higher Floor but every page is a fight. I do not like writing about myself. Like, at all. I'm a private person and some of these scenes are pure agony to write and draw. I suppose that means it's even more important for me to power through and finish the damned thing. Therapy and self-improvement and stuff.