Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 59: Star Wars

Nick Hemsing
September 14, 2015

So, these hiatus just sort of sneak up on Brock and Nick. Summer seems to be an especially bad time since Brock has completely thawed from the Minnesota winter and keeps doing unimportant activities like camping or spending time with his wife and not recording a comic book podcast. They’re back, again, and Brock was seeking some Star Wars redemption, after Marvel’s Princess Leia continued to disappoint. He also really just wanted to talk about Star Wars. So, Brock and Nick review Marvel’s Star Wars, which picks up right after Episode 4: A New Hope. Does this one fail to... View Article

Episode 58: Strange Fruit, SDCC, and Ant-Man

Nick Hemsing
July 20, 2015

As much as Brock and Nick try to record every other week, these pesky conventions keep popping up. Some small indie comic book convention in San Diego had Nick tied up last weekend but at least he didn’t see any panel relevant to comics in the slightest. However, he did get a Megaman lanyard, so all is well. For this comic book podcast, however, Brock and Nick talk a little about the massive spectacle that is San Diego Comic-Con. Even if well executed, any art about racism is likely to be contentious. Mark Waid and J.G. Jones were inspired to... View Article

Episode 57: Bitch of Thrones

Nick Hemsing
June 29, 2015

Brock and Nick are geeks, (well, just the same as everyone these days) and as such, they don’t only read the comic books they review every week here, but also consume other geekish media. This week, they take all the pent up geek rage they have towards one of their favorite shows and books and spew it out all over the internet. This is . . . (Nick hears drums as he prepares this) BITCH OF THRONES! In this episode, Brock and Nick delve into every Game of Thrones (HBO series) or A Song of Ice and Fire complaint they’ve... View Article

Episode 56: Rocket Girl and The Property of Hate

Nick Hemsing
June 8, 2015

Time travel a common basis for a sci-fi story. In this week’s comic book podcast, Brock and Nick look at Rocket Girl, a time-traveling teen cop (No. There is no typo there.) lands in the 80’s to stop a mega-corporation and beat up street thugs. Unfortunately, she does not save society from Yahoo Serious while she’s back there. The webcomic review for the week is The Property of Hate. A metal name for a comic about a little girl on an adventure through a dream land. There is some darkness in this still-going work, but it definitely wins in the... View Article