Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 42: Happy! and Parallel Man

Nick Hemsing
November 10, 2014

Star Wars makes Brock happy in any dimension If you give Brock a chance to talk about Star Wars, he’ll take it. Talking about the Star Wars Holiday Special is like geek crack. Ok, so that’s not the real focus of this comic book podcast, but that’s where it goes sometimes. There is a review in here somewhere. This week CCCP takes a look at Grant Morrison’s Happy! Certain stories can just be comfort food and this is one for Nick. Brock may not agree, though. A disclosure is needed for our review of Parallel Man. Brock has met Christopher... View Article

Episode 41: Star Wars: Dark Empire and Little Nemo

Nick Hemsing
September 22, 2014

Podcasters strike back! An extended hiatus can sometimes sneak up on you. Brock has been busy building his own Death Star, coding the Hello Kitty fansite he’s always wanted, working 80 hours or something like that. Having given up being a productive human being, he’s returned to this comic book podcast to review a blast from his Star Wars obsessed past, Dark Empire from Dark Horse. Do you risk ruining nostalgia by reading your favorites from long ago? Brock and Nick discuss this with crotchety near 40 something eyes. On a lighter note, the CCCP revisits one of Brock and... View Article

Episode 40: Michael Son from Tapastic

Nick Hemsing
June 23, 2014

Interview with the Director of Content for Tapastic, Michael Son Tapastic has become a frequent place for Nick and Brock to visit for new webcomics to review for this comic book podcast. They even stopped calling it Taptastic. This platform is bringing top notch content from around the world and presents it in an easy to use interface. Michael Son, the Director of Content for Tapastic, listened to Fisheye Placebo review on CCCP Podcast # 33 and is now on the show to talk about not only a few more great comics on the site but also a little about... View Article

Episode 39: Think Tank and Wraith

Nick Hemsing
June 9, 2014

Not as bright as we wish we were. This week on the comic book podcast, Brock and Nick seem dedicated to making tangents the norm for each topic. The first of those topics would be the news Edgar Wright has left the Ant-Man film production. Is Marvel trying too hard to keep their movie universe consistent? The full volume review for this week is Image’s somewhat super-science book Think Tank from Image leaves Nick and Brock in surprising agreement. Nick didn’t expect that but sometimes a book just hits a reader in a certain way that only some discussion can... View Article

Episode 38: Marvel 1602 and It Will All Hurt

Nick Hemsing
May 12, 2014

CCCP gone Renaissance Superhero? Brock’s been battling on forums again so he’s getting on his soapbox about Amazon’s acquisition of Comixology at the opening of this week’s comic book podcast. Is the web just full of fatalist whiners? Nick is not a superhero universe fan, but Brock seems to be taking revenge or the horrible books he was forced to read before by making Nick read Marvel 1602. It’s Neil Gaiman so there is something alluring at the outset. The Marvel universe characters get jumbled up and save the world but does good writing overcome all? Out in surreal corner... View Article

Episode 37: Transmetropolitan and Lost Nightmare

Nick Hemsing
May 5, 2014

In a row? What does Star Wars have to do with a comic book podcast? Besides the Dark Horse series, not much, but Brock loves to talk Star Wars whenever he gets a chance, so some casting talk is in order. Nick is a sucker for non-superhero books written by UK authors so Brock put a gun to his head and forced him to read Transmetropolitan, written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Darick Robertson. Future stories are always fun but looking through the filter of a gonzo journalist is a flavor that takes the reader on a completely unpredictable... View Article