Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 33: 30 Days of Night and Fisheye Placebo

Nick Hemsing
March 10, 2014

More undead but 100% more manga! Nick and Brock kick off this comic book podcast talking about business model of Tapastic, a webcomic destination with a large manga selection. The next part should be prefaced by saying that Nick is a Doctor Who fan. However, he goes at “The Stolen Earth” with a verbal baseball bat of hate. Also, unsurprisingly, Brock had to explain Marvel’s The Guardians of the Galaxy and why Nick had never heard of it. They also manage to squeeze Baby Metal into the intro. Why not? Under the microscope this week is the arctic vampire story... View Article

Episode 32: BPRD and Moth City

Nick Hemsing
March 3, 2014

Fun with Nazis and 1920’s Chemical Weapon Arms Traders Brock saw HBO’s True Detective and now cant stop yapping about it. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson head this crime drama that one would think had nothing to do with a comic book podcast, but Nick and Brock are media junkies so the intro is a topical free-for-all. When thinking about BPRD, you usually think of Hellboy, but the hornless devil hero is absent from what we read this week. How the conversation ended up being as long as it was is anyone’s guess, but no one would have expected these... View Article

Episode 31: Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane

Nick Hemsing
February 17, 2014

There’s no sexism like 50’s sexism Kicking off the comic book podcast this week, Nick and Brock dive right into hot, current events and talk Man of Steel and James Bond movies. Nick just saw Man of Steel so he could finally stop repeating others criticisms. Really though, did Pa Kent get himself killed to save the family dog? Is there anything more redneck than that? Also, Brock went on a Bond bender and talks about which is his favorite actor to play 007. Yes. It was a slow news day. Even though the Preacher AMC pilot was officially confirmed,... View Article

Daenerys Targaryen Watercolor

Brock Beauchamp
February 10, 2014

I haven’t had a ton of time to draw or paint lately, as I’ve been overwhelmed with website development work that has kept me away from the art table, digital or analog. I’m also working on a *very* short story concept that I hope to begin drawing in the next few weeks… I figure that even I can continue working on a project long enough to complete a meager 24 page story. While I work out the kinks on my 160+ page story, I’ll work on that to get back into a workflow and drawing sequential art, which is very... View Article

Protecting WordPress and your website

Brock Beauchamp
February 9, 2014

It has come to my attention that WordPress is currently under the largest brute force attack in its history. What is a brute force attack? Well, it’s pretty simple… It’s when a botnet is created that uses thousands of computers that repeatedly try password and username combinations to gain access to your WordPress control panel and, therefore, your entire website. Once they have access to your site, they can do pretty much anything they want with it, including the addition of malware (the most common goal) or simply breaking/deleting your site. I’ll get right down to it. Here are a... View Article

Episode 30: Sweet Tooth and The Specialists

Nick Hemsing
February 5, 2014

More Post-Apocalyptic Worlds and Nazi Threats Nick and Brock start out this week’s comic book podcast talking about the unfortunate death of Philip Seymour Hoffman from an apparent heroin overdose. They also tackle more announcements from Zack Snyder’s upcoming Batman vs. Superman film and give their thoughts on Jeremy Irons as the stalwart butler to Bruce Wayne, Alfred, and Jesse Eisenberg’s casting as a young and coiffed Lex Luthor. Interesting casting choices all around. Then they get into comics. First up is Jeff Lemire’s book, Sweet Tooth, which evoked mixed responses from Nick and Brock. Both saw good and bad... View Article