Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 24: Shattered with Curve of Horn

Nick Hemsing
November 4, 2013

Interviews, Minotaurs, and… Wait, interviews? In the CCCP comic book podcast, we’re nearing the quarter century mark. Our podcast is old enough to drink, rent a car, and host its first interview. We have a special for you this week, one comic and one creator. We reviewed the soon-to-be-printed webcomic Shattered with Curve of Horn and interview its creator, Max Miller Dowdle. We delve into his Kickstarter campaign, how he went from fine artist to comic creator, and why he went with a long-form story with Shattered. The only thing we forgot to ask was how we are supposed to... View Article

Episode 23: Powers and PAX Arena

Nick Hemsing
October 28, 2013

Superheroes, Why We Podcast, and Sci-Fi Thunderdomes In this week’s comic book podcast, Nick and Brock discuss why they started the podcast, what they think of the first 22 episodes, and where they see the podcast going in the near and not-so-near future. And, for the first time since Before Watchmen, we read a superhero-based book with a twist, Powers by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming. What will we think of a book that takes an outsider-looking-in perspective on the superhero genre? Given that the book has been running for over a decade across two publishers, we started... View Article

Episode 22: The Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born and Phonogram

Nick Hemsing
October 21, 2013

Two Fanboys Enter, One Leaves… Disappointed Before we start talking about this week’s comic book podcast, let’s get this out of the way: Nick is a big Stephen King fan. In the early days of the podcast, you may remember him fangasming over the Locke & Key series from Joe Hill, King’s son. Now he goes all in with The Dark Tower comics from Marvel. Because the source material isn’t getting a TV show or movie anytime soon, let’s see if the comic does it justice. Brock got to pick this week’s single issue review and he figured he’d take... View Article

Choosing the right comic format, Pt 1

Brock Beauchamp
October 17, 2013

One of the hardest things as a web designer and developer is explaining to clients “it might look great on your screen but it’s going to look like rubbish to 20% of your users, illegible for another 15%, decent for 40%, and fantastic for 25%”. As modern web designers, we’re inundated with more technologies and methods of viewing our work than at any time before and the number of devices, screen sizes, resolutions, and screen orientations only seem to be expanding exponentially. If we travel in the way back machine all the way to 2006, designers only had to worry... View Article

Episode 21: The Tick and Black Powder

Nick Hemsing
October 14, 2013

Big Blue Superheroes and Terrible, Awful, Icky Pirates You wanted some superhero, you got some superhero… But in this week’s comic book podcast, you get it the way we like it: blue, antennae’d, and amazed he has pockets. Welcome to the world of Ben Edlund’s creation, The Tick. Nick reads the comic for the first time while Brock happily reads it for the eleventeenth time. I picked our single issue this week and I think Brock wants to ban me from doing so again. We had a little bit of an odd experience this issue as we looked at Black... View Article

FallCon 2013

Brock Beauchamp
October 10, 2013

I wanted to thank everyone who came by my booth for the one-day event that is FallCon 2013. Hosted on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds every October, FallCon is the little brother of the two-day SpringCon event hosted every May by the Midwest Comic Book Association. As usual, the MCBA delivered the goods, offering creators free space to host a table, free food, and the best collection of volunteers on the planet. Really, I can’t rave about this con enough. Every event is a delight to attend and the MCBA takes care of its creators like no other convention I’ve seen.... View Article