Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

DIY Printing: It’s Cheaper Than You Think

Brock Beauchamp
October 9, 2013

2012 is going to be my first year of tabling at conventions for my webcomic work and over the summer, don’t be surprised if you see multiple stories of my experiences (and failures) at figuring out how to best go about the convention process as an exhibitor. One of the first problems I encountered during my pre-convention preparation was that of print-making. Comics themselves, well, there’s only one real choice for those of us getting started: digital offset offered by the likes of Ka-Blam or Createspace. Alongside my comic book offerings (and the meager profit margins allowed by using these digital... View Article

Episode 20: Atomic Robo and The Star Wars

Nick Hemsing
October 9, 2013

Annikin, you’re breaking my heart. Also, robots. We took another break from the comic book podcast because Brock didn’t want to be bothered to talk about the important things in life, such as comics, while on his honeymoon. He even sabotaged his own iPad while in Scotland so he couldn’t do the required reading while returning to the États-Unis. Completely out of excuses, we’re back with Atomic Robo from Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener! Evidently, Nikola Tesla made robots in his free time. Busy man. We have the feeling that if we scoured the Internet, we’d find slash fiction out... View Article

Episode 19: The Maxx and Wasteland

Nick Hemsing
September 16, 2013

Serial rapist villains and Armageddon. Not necessarily in that order. We’re revving up the DeLorean and revisiting our former beflanneled selves for this week’s comic book podcast… Time to do a surgical strike at a 90’s Image comic and try not to let our 90’s angsty selves hitch a ride back or have any Gen13 masturbation flashbacks. With our radiation suits on, we flip through The Maxx. The cover looks super hero, but there is a reason we’re here and it ain’t for the capes & tights. Brock also gets to get his post-apocalyptic on with Oni Press’ long-running series,... View Article

Episode 18: The Activity and Cancertown

Nick Hemsing
September 9, 2013

Special forces, delta teams, cloak and dagger, and… Cancer. The Activity: it sounds like a euphemism the Amish might use for sex. While talking about that activity would probably stretch the bounds of our relationship, it’s good for us that in this case it refers to Image’s special forces and cloak and dagger comic. It might be the first non-supernatural comic we’ve read that doesn’t involve mice, Nazi cats, or narcissistic hitmen. We round out the comic book podcast by looking at Cancertown. Despite a bit of a mix-up that involved one of us accidentally looking at the first issue of... View Article

Episode 17: Kamandi and Steed & Mrs Peel

Nick Hemsing
September 4, 2013

Sometimes, the greats aren’t all that great. It’s time warp time at CCCP. In this week’s comic book podcast, we’re digging into comic book history with a non-super hero book called Kamandi created by one of the greats, Jack Kirby. Is everything Kirby created good or is this Planet of the Knockoffs? When we get back to the future, we hop right back into Grant Morrison and Ian Gibson’s time machine with Steed & Mrs. Peele, Brock and I both love these characters from the 1960’s TV show The Avengers but do they transfer to print? Oh, and yes. We... View Article

Episode 16: Kick-Ass 2 and The Sixth Gun

Nick Hemsing
August 26, 2013

A Bit Too Much of the Ultra-Violence It was a dark and stormy… it was a dark and violent comic. It was a dark and pandering comic book podcast by two whores who had to talk about a comic that just saw a film adaptation recently release. Those whores are probably us, and that movie was definitely Kick-Ass 2. A not-so-super hero comic from Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr with those crazy kids getting into more wacky adventures in NYC and girl that Charlton Heston would have given a nut to have as a daughter. With a swing our... View Article