Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 10: ReMIND and Masks & Mobsters

Nick Hemsing
July 1, 2013

Talking cats, mobsters, and insulting introductions We’re back and in this week’s comic book podcast, we jump into webcomics with reMIND from Jason Brubaker.  It’s a little steampunk, a little mind swapping, and just well drawn.  Our single issue is Monkeybrain’s Masks and Mobsters where the Mafia decides it doesn’t like superheroes shutting down their business and they fight back.  Also, Brock regrets letting me write the intro again. Links: ReMIND on Comixology ReMIND Website Masks & Mobsters on Comixology Masks & Mobsters Website Find us on iTunes: The Counter Culture Comic Podcast on iTunes Follow us on Twitter: Nick... View Article

Episode 9: Maus and Nowhere Men

Nick Hemsing
June 17, 2013

The Holocaust isn’t funny. Ok, so in this week’s comic book podcast we scientifically determined that the Holocaust isn’t very funny. We tried. We really did. In fact, we tried so hard that the podcast went over its typical running time by 20 minutes. We talked about the Pulitzer Prize winning Maus from Art Spiegelman, a comic with mice, cats, pigs, and dogs and laughing is not an option. In the end, at least we had something that we can have some fun with, Nowhere Men. Science, the 70s, viruses. We are back to Image Comics on this one and... View Article

Episode 8: Chew and Minor Acts of Heroism

Nick Hemsing
June 10, 2013

Grandmothers, Cibopaths, and Child Heroes, oh my. We’ve finished off the last of our grandmothers so we’re back this week to take a look a Image’s Chew which has a little dead people eating action. Our dead grandmothers have nothing to do with the topic. We didn’t eat them, in case you were curious. Actually, Brock may have. It’s best not to ask. We also flip back to a web comic that is publishing full issues now on Comixology, Minor Acts of Heroism. A little manga style, a little super hero action, a little different than what we normally read... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 23 & 24

Brock Beauchamp
June 4, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. As the baker lays unconscious on the ground, Manon begins to urge Arnaud to run away and flee the scene. As she pleads her case, the two mysterious figures begin to limp away from the fight after chasing away the dragon that is now flying away.

Summertime Hiatuses & News

Brock Beauchamp
June 3, 2013

I know the past couple of weeks have been spotty with updates on SelfCentEnt. I had computer issues (a failed SSD that required a full format and reinstall of the operating system) and then a passing in the family that required an unexpected trip out of town, which caused much of the work on the comic and podcast to cease for nearly two weeks. After struggling to maintain a difficult update schedule in the comic and podcast, I thought it was time to update listeners and readers on our summer plans. The Comic: Aurorae is going to update sporadically over... View Article

Episode 7: Hellblazer and Constantine

Nick Hemsing
May 28, 2013

John Constantine squares off against the mythical beast known as… John Constantine. In this week’s comic book podcast, we went a little long  as we tried to talk about what we liked about comics and how we got into them, but that quickly degenerated into how much we hate crossovers.  After we finished that bitchfest, we took on a classic DC-to-Vertigo-back-to-DC character, John Constantine, starting with Hellblazer and followed with a single issue of the New 52 series, Constantine. John is all-in on the DC Universe in a shot at the big time. Next week we’re going back to Image... View Article