Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 3: Cerebus and Alice In Wonderland

Nick Hemsing
April 29, 2013

Original indie comics and taking swings at horrible abuses of classic literature. This week we take a look at a one of the first popular indie comics, Cerebus, and a book under the label Grimm’s Fairy Tales presents Alice in Wonderland that we really tried to like . . . Okay, we didn’t.  We didn’t try to like Alice in Wonderland.  We kind of knew that we wouldn’t like it going in.  We gave it a shot though!  After that, we still didn’t like it.  So, you get our conversation about how we didn’t really care for a craptastic bit... View Article

SpringCon 2013 – Come Visit!

Brock Beauchamp
April 25, 2013

It’s that time of year again… Convention season! While Aurorae and the Counter-Culture Comic Podcast are still in their relative infancies, I’m reeling back the amount of conventions I will table in the near future until I’ve established enough content to begin printing books. With that said, I’ll be tabling at the MCBA SpringCon event on May 18-19 in St. Paul, MN on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds property. I’ve attended both of the MCBA events in the past (SpringCon, FallCon) and they’re a blast, attracting some of the best artists in the Midwest and beyond. You can find a list... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 17 & 18

Brock Beauchamp
April 23, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud is pursued out of the bakery by the angry shop owner and the baker is bearing down on him with a cricket paddle. Left no other choice, Manon, still in the midst of a flashback to an unknown time, leaps on the baker’s back in an attempt to save Arnaud. The baker throws her off his back, which angers Arnaud, who asserts himself and uses a power unknown to him before now…

Episode 2: Locke & Key and Rachel Rising

Nick Hemsing
April 22, 2013

Writing Influences, Lackluster First Issues, & Skin Suits This week was new book week so we took a look at Locke & Key, an Eisner award winning dark story from Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez.  Kind of soft ball of us to take on a book we both knew we liked, but we still had some fun with it.  We also go one issue deep into Terry Morre’s current series, Rachel Rising, to get our first impressions.  We had to scrap our initial idea of trying to review a free book every week since all the free books were previews.... View Article

Volume 1: Pages 15 & 16

Brock Beauchamp
April 16, 2013

The online fantasy graphic novel Aurorae by Brock Beauchamp. The Aurorae webcomic is property of Brock Beauchamp and SelfCentEnt, all rights reserved. Arnaud refuses to listen to Manon and walks into the bakery, intent on lifting some food to eat. Manon, frustrated by his stubbornness, drops into another flashback, this time of a strange man in Native American garb grappling with another. A dragon flies above them, intent on starting trouble. Arnaud emerges from the bakery with the owner right behind him, intent on dealing damage with a cricket paddle.

Episode 1: Marvels and Bad Machinery

Nick Hemsing
April 11, 2013

Welcome to the first CCCP comic book podcast! We rate and review alternative comic books for our listeners!  For a first effort, we’re glad we didn’t have 40 minutes of dead air and we did end up talking a little about ourselves and two comics.  Marvels, a four issue story from 1994 that shows the Marvel characters through the eyes of photographer Phil Sheldon, and Bad Machinery, a biweekly comedic webcomic about English high school kids.  We also compared comic book fans to Augustus Gloop and made at least five food analogies in less than 40 minutes. Next week, we... View Article