Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

DIY printing: 2017 update, still doin’ it my own damned self

Brock Beauchamp
June 6, 2017

Some of you may have read the blog post outlining my initial foray into DIY printing for conventions. If not, you can find it here for reference. Now that I’ve been printing at home for five years, I figured it was time for an update. Not only have I learned several new tricks but my trusty Artisan 1430 died late last year and I replaced it with a significant upgrade in the Epson P600. Over the past few months, I’ve run several hundred prints through the new Epson, so I’m now comfortable talking about what it does right (most things),... View Article

Blizzard World – June 24, 2017 – Mounds View, MN

Brock Beauchamp
May 31, 2017

On something of a whim, I attended the first Blizzard World over the winter and had a great day. It’s a small con with a $4 admission fee so if you want a cheap way to see a bunch of artists in the same room and look at their stuff, this is the place to do it! As always, I’ll have a few new prints, lots of original art, and if you swing by my table, you can snag a free mini-print of everyone’s new favorite droid, BB-8! Blizzard World The Mermaid Event Center 2200 Highway 10 Mounds View, MN... View Article