Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 81: The Flintstones

Nick Hemsing
February 6, 2017

So Brock and Nick took a slight break but they are back! Ok, maybe not quite so slight. Somehow after this the long break from the comic book podcast, Brock decided to have them review The Flintstones. The suggestion seemed pretty weird but the world is petty weird right now and in this new, weird, world, The Flintstones comic is good and funny and scathing social commentary. It’s also by DC and written by Mark Russell who also wrote Prez.

MCBA Fall ComiCon – October 8th, 2016

Brock Beauchamp
October 5, 2016

Hey all, I will be at Fall ComiCon this weekend (formerly known as FallCon), peddling my wares to geek nation. As usual, I will be offering prints, original art, and my comic book, Duplicity. Due to this being a one-day convention, if you’d like to purchase an original sketch from me, please come by my table as early as possible so I can make sure you get on the docket before it fills for the day. As always, I’m looking forward to another fantastic MCBA event and hope to see you all there on Saturday! Once again, Fall ComiCon will... View Article

Episode 80: Concrete

Nick Hemsing
September 19, 2016

Having covered most of the news they cared about in episode 79, in this episode Brock and Nick blather about random news, origins of Marvel comics and eventually just to annoy each other. They did fit in a review, though. This is another trip in the somewhat way back machine. Before millennials were born is probably “way back” at this point. When looking at the history of comics, though, a story like Concrete by Paul Chadwick is how, what we call, independent comics really started to break into major publishing. This story about a writer turned neigh invincible block of... View Article