Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Introducing Time Dick!

Brock Beauchamp
October 19, 2015

I’m super-excited to announce my next project: Time Dick. (stop laughing) I cannot state how much I love the absurd name of this comic. Time Dick, similar to most of my projects, is a science fiction comic book… With a twist. It’s a play on film noir, a beloved film style to which I’ve wanted to pay homage for a long time. I could wax nostalgic about the first time I saw Bacall and Bogart light up the screen in The Big Sleep but I’d prefer to keep this missive under 5,000 words so I’ll merely say “I really like that movie and... View Article

Episode 61: Ghostopolis and roomZER0

Nick Hemsing
October 5, 2015

Nick and Brock have reviewed children’s comics before for this comic book podcast but few and far between are those from which adults will derive just as much joy as younger readers. Ghostopolis has charm, but does it fit into that category? A dying boy visiting the afterlife sounds like a depressing story from Image, but this the first book they’ve reviewed that is published by Scholastic. They publish comics? Nick and Brock squeeze in a webcomic as often as they can and for this week, Brock found roomZERO on Tapastic. This horror comic takes advantage of some of the... View Article

Fall ComiCon 2015

Brock Beauchamp
October 1, 2015

The autumn wave of midwest comic book conventions are upon us, starting with the MCBA’s Fall ComiCon, hosted on October 10th in the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. Tickets are only $8 for this one-day event so be sure to come by and check out the list of great creators who will be attending! As always, I will be offering commissions at the event but given how the conventions is only one day, it’s likely I will book the entire day drawing relatively early in the morning. If you’re interested in commissioning me for a drawing, let me know ahead of... View Article

Episode 60: Wayward and Star Wars: Shattered Empire

Nick Hemsing
September 28, 2015

Brock is getting better. This episode is only about 30% Star Wars. It’s like weening an addict off heroin who is only slightly more annoying than Nick Clark from Fear the Walking Dead. A more difficult addiction for both Brock and CCCP’s Nick to break is reviewing Image books and this week will not be just a one issue dose. This week our Image comics dealer delivers an American comics take on an manga type story with Wayward. A cat girl, an exploding introverted boy, and the main character kicking off the comic as a transfer student? Jim Zub (isn’t... View Article

Duplicity now available on Amazon Kindle

Brock Beauchamp
September 23, 2015

It has been a long time coming but Duplicity is finally complete and I’ve spent the past several days formatting the book for print and digital sales. Today, I capped off the work with a submission to Amazon, who promptly flipped my submission back to me with an approved status in just three hours. You have no idea both how stressful this is to me and how bloody happy I am to have something “in the can”, though I always found that terminology slightly unnerving… Something an airplane heroin smuggler might say about the location of their illicit goods. While... View Article