Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 50: Attack on Titan and Descender

Nick Hemsing
March 9, 2015

Nick and Brock didn’t think of reviewing many manga when they started this comic book podcast. However, they delve into high concepts in a similar way to many western independent comics. So, that brings the discussion to Attack on Titan where humans are trying to survive big, disturbingly peaceful, naked, people-like things that do nothing but try to eat them. It’s dark and bloody, but how does it translate? DC and Marvel definitely have different approaches to their movie properties and Brock would be remiss if he didn’t call out some BS, that Nick happens to agree with. Can DC... View Article

Episode 49: Sex Criminals and Star Wars: Darth Vader

Nick Hemsing
February 16, 2015

Time for a totally normal conversation about a comic book involving orgasm induced time stopping. In this week’s comic book podcast, Brock and Nick talk Image’s much loved, but seldom read in public, Sex Criminals. It’s better than any comic book by that name has a right to be and fun to talk about too. Marvel has been attacking Star Wars from all angles now that Disney owns it. Everybody is getting their own book and the single issue review for this week is Darth Vader. Does anyone else feel uncomfortable when any Star Wars work references the I through... View Article

Episode 48: All You Need is Kill and Shaft

Nick Hemsing
February 2, 2015

Manga is a whole other world of stories and style that Nick and Brock have never fully dipped into for this comic book podcast, but give them a movie tie in and they find and excuse. First, though, the very good Atomic Robo is a now webcomic! Go read it now! Then, Brock blathers about Amazon’s ambitious The Man in the High Castle series pilot. Also, the new Fantastic Four is sure looking very SciFi-y but does the trailer really say anything? Edge of Tomorrow may be one of the most under appreciated Sci-Fi movies at the box office, but... View Article

Podcast Episode 47: Kinski and Looking for Group

Nick Hemsing
January 19, 2015

Brock and Nick hate puppies for this comic book podcast. First, though, the new Star Wars comics sold kinda well; someone seems to think that reviving Heroes is a good idea; and a Fables movie might happen? The feature review for this week in Kinski from MonkeyBrain Comics. Nick and Brock talk about the good and the bad about a comic about a man obsessed with cute labrador puppy. Do these reviewers agree with the high praise this comic has received elsewhere? Ryan Sohmer has been lampooning the comic book industry since 2010 with his webcomic, The Gutters. It comes... View Article

Podcast Episode 46: American Vampire and Lilith Dark

Nick Hemsing
January 5, 2015

Brock’s highest praise This comic book podcast is ringing in 2015 with a bang; two comics that Brock and Nick didn’t hate. Maybe they’re turning over a new leaf? But first, it’s a little Ant-Man skepticism and Brock gushing about Frank Herbert’s Dune. Make sure to check out Brock’s Good Reads link since he’s taking the 52 week challenge. For the CCCP full volume review this week, it’s American Vampire published by Vertigo. The undead are not a favorite comic topic for either podcaster, but when the writers are Scott Snyder and Stephen King, many reservations go right out the... View Article