Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 70: C.O.W.L. and Sithrah

Nick Hemsing
February 1, 2016

A new week, a new comic book podcast. Before Brock travels to Nicaragua and is ultimately kidnapped and ransomed back to his family, the CCCP crew decided to record one final podcast! They talk about yet another Image comic – C.O.W.L. – which started slowly and built momentum through the first volume. They also took a look at a new mobile comic platform – Webtoon – and read Jason Brubaker’s latest comic, Sithrah. If you’re not familiar with Brubaker, Nick and Brock talked about his first comic, reMIND, way back in episode ten. In other more comic book-y news, Brock’s... View Article

Episode 69: Wool

Brock Beauchamp
January 25, 2016

In this week’s comic book podcast, Nick and Brock talk Wool, the adaptation of Hugh Howey’s series of short stories. Walking into the book with zero expectations, both left the experience pleasantly surprised. They also talk about trailers (again) because, in case you haven’t noticed, it seems a week no longer passes without a new comic book movie trailer being released to the public. This week’s victim is the new Suicide Squad trailer. Does DC have the chops to pull off a silly, fun comic book movie? In other more comic book-y news, Brock’s short story comic, Duplicity, is now available... View Article

Duplicity now available on Comixology!

Brock Beauchamp
January 20, 2016

It took some time but… Yay! Duplicity has been published to Comixology and is now available for sale! It seems like an age ago when I first submitted this book to the Comixology marketplace (mid-September, actually) but the wait is finally over! Duplicity is an experimental self-contained short story that clocks in at 42 pages for only $1.99. It’s the story of two men on death row, sharing their final day on earth together… With a twist. I don’t want to give it away if you haven’t already seen the book. So, take a look at Duplicity for less than two bucks! Buy... View Article

Episode 68: Lumberjanes and Ei8ht

Nick Hemsing
January 11, 2016

It’s 2016! yay. So, Nick and Brock are back at the normal schedule. That is to say, they will be doing 3 back to back weeks of this comic book podcast to kick off the year. Then, Brock takes a vacation. Then, who the hell knows? Kicking off this very not 2015 year is a trip to summer camp with BOOM!’s (weird to type an exclamation point with an apostrophe after it) Lumberjanes. Dabbling in children’s comics is a rare dalliance for this duo of wonky, pedantic, reviewers, but they do manage to give positive notes when they aren’t spending... View Article

Time Dick progress

Brock Beauchamp
January 4, 2016

I’m 60% complete with the first chapter of Time Dick! The first chapter has been a learning experience. I’ve tried to mix up my style quite a bit, change my inking tool(s), and adapt my coloring style to a new format. It has been a… challenge. But overall, I’m quite happy with the results and remain on track to have the first chapter done before the end of January. After that point, I immediately flip over to chapter two and once that is complete, the first chapter will be available for purchase (only $.99!) on Comixology. So keep checking back... View Article

Episode 67: Best of 2015 and The Force Awakens

Brock Beauchamp
December 28, 2015

In this week’s comic book podcast, Nick and Brock reflect upon the glory and pain that was the year 2015. They pick their favorite and least favorite books and fumble around with words about each for a few minutes before deciding to once again talk about Star Wars. You see, like nearly everyone else on the planet, they can’t stop talking about the new Disneyfied and JJ Abrams-powered movie, The Force Awakens. Did they like the movie? Of course they did, dummy… But it’s far from a perfect film and they discuss it at length.