Independent Comic Books & Podcasts

Schlock Works


The Podcast

Duplicity - Complete

Episode 36: Scott Pilgrim and Something Terrible

Nick Hemsing
April 22, 2014

Hipstering it up around here Nick and Brock didn’t exactly take a hiatus, Brock decided to be a little bitch and not record a comic book podcast while he was on vacation on some tropical island. Nick tried to get a chimp to stand in for him, but it turns out that you can’t just go buy one. Before Brock returned to recording, he decided to do something useful and report on Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Nick didn’t go anywhere remotely tropical, but he did go to Wondercon. Unlike Winter Soldier, Scott Pilgrim did not do nearly as well... View Article

More concept art

Brock Beauchamp
March 31, 2014

Due to scheduling conflicts, there will not be a podcast this week. Instead, I’ll post another sample of the concept comic book art I’ve been working on for my upcoming project. The comic draws heavily on film noir themes, with a slight sci-fi twist. It’s a short story, clocking in between 50 and 70 pages. It features a female lead character and… uh… other stuff. I can’t really say more than that right now. I’m still working out many of the visual details of the book, though the script itself is nearly complete and only needs some fine-tuning. The next... View Article

Facebook new algorithm and you

Brock Beauchamp
March 26, 2014

A lot has been said about Facebook’s new algorithm – mostly bad. I’m not going to spend an hour waxing nostalgic on the “good ol’ days of the platform” and I’m not going to defend Facebook’s new algorithm (though I think the page owner dismay has gotten a bit out of hand in recent weeks). Instead, I’m going to talk about my own experiences, both good and bad. You see, I own and operate two sites that consume the majority of my non-day job hours. One has suffered mightily under the rule of the new algorithm while the other has... View Article

Concept art – upcoming project

Brock Beauchamp
March 26, 2014

I’ve spent the past several months writing projects, shelving them, and starting newer, smaller projects. Due to time constraints, I haven’t felt comfortable starting a 150+ page project and wanted to dip my toe in the water with smaller, more manageable projects while I position myself financially to work on longer projects in the future. Of course, once I get into a story concept, it’s really hard not to expand upon the idea until it’s a full-fledged story. Originally, this latest project was intended to be a 16 page short story that I could get in and out of in... View Article

Episode 35: Thief of Thieves and Stand Still, Stay Silent

Nick Hemsing
March 24, 2014

We can’t quit you, Image Since starting this comic book podcast about mostly non-Superhero material, Nick and Brock have had to go out of their way to avoid reviewing Image books from time to time. It’s been long enough since the last so this time a Robert Kirkman book is on the table. First, though, Nick saw Red 2 and read Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1. Also, believe it or not, a rationale exists for how webcomics are chosen for CCCP reviews and it’s time to talk about it. Yes! Robert Kirkman isn’t just the Walking Dead guy (He... View Article

Episode 34: Next Town Over and Hobo Lobo of Hamelin

Nick Hemsing
March 17, 2014

Finding webcomic gold Nick and Brock went all web for this comic book podcast. First, though, the trailer for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For just hit the web and here’s hoping it’s at least on par with the first. Maybe Frank Miller learned something after The Spirit train wreck, but on this project he is teaming back up with Robert Rodriguez. Also, Brock is back into the fold of true comic book geekdom. He has a pull list again at his local comic shop. Our semi-experienced podcasters know that eventually they are going to stop finding top notch... View Article